This is not truth, it is clear that the Papacy is the Beast of Revelation. The little horn with eyes of a man spoken of in Daniel is the Papacy. Please do not be deceived by this so called interpretation. The Roman Papal system was put in place by the dragon. When you see the Mark of the Beast, which will be a Sunday law put in place you will know what I am talking about. Everything has been put in place now for it to happen. The US will be instrumental in setting up the image of the Beast. The Romsn Catholic Church says that Sunday worship is the mark of their authority, since they were the ones that changed the seventh day Sabbath to Sunday worship. The little horn will think to change God's times and laws. They changed the Sabbath in the 10 Commandments from the seventh day to Sunday. The Papacy reigned 1260 days from 538 AD to 1798 AD when Berthier of France took the Pope into captivity and the Beast received a deadly wound, he died in captivity. The Papacy pulled up by the roots the three kingdom the Ostrogaths, Vandals and Heruli because the opposed the doctrine of the Nicene council. They had to be removed to open the way for the Church to gain control. Babylon stands for an apostate church..the deadly wound was healed or started healing when in 1929 Mussolini reinstated the Papacy. Wound started to be healed
This being spoken here is a deception of the devil Please do you research. These things are in history I have stated here. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS.
This is EXCELLENT work
This is not truth, it is clear that the Papacy is the Beast of Revelation. The little horn with eyes of a man spoken of in Daniel is the Papacy. Please do not be deceived by this so called interpretation. The Roman Papal system was put in place by the dragon. When you see the Mark of the Beast, which will be a Sunday law put in place you will know what I am talking about. Everything has been put in place now for it to happen. The US will be instrumental in setting up the image of the Beast. The Romsn Catholic Church says that Sunday worship is the mark of their authority, since they were the ones that changed the seventh day Sabbath to Sunday worship. The little horn will think to change God's times and laws. They changed the Sabbath in the 10 Commandments from the seventh day to Sunday. The Papacy reigned 1260 days from 538 AD to 1798 AD when Berthier of France took the Pope into captivity and the Beast received a deadly wound, he died in captivity. The Papacy pulled up by the roots the three kingdom the Ostrogaths, Vandals and Heruli because the opposed the doctrine of the Nicene council. They had to be removed to open the way for the Church to gain control. Babylon stands for an apostate church..the deadly wound was healed or started healing when in 1929 Mussolini reinstated the Papacy. Wound started to be healed
This being spoken here is a deception of the devil Please do you research. These things are in history I have stated here. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS.