
"Flexing Spiritual Muscle to Defeat 9-11 False Flags" / Rod Smith and Michael Basham


Friends, I recorded this Video LIVE Mon 12.17.2024 which is a conversation with Michael Basham and Rod Smith of Millennial MustardSeed Podcast.

Posting this to Youtube would result in a Content Strike and so I am making it available here on The OMEGAMAN Substack and on my “X” Channel where there are no censors to block out Free Speech.

"Flexing Spiritual Muscle to Defeat 9-11 False Flags" / Rod Smith and Michael Basham / OMR # 11459
Recorded 12-16-2024 on OMEGAMAN

MIchael Basham faithbucks.com
Spirit Wars

Rod Smith Email: rjajsmith77@icloud.com
Millenial Mustarseed Podcast